Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers
Onsite Power offers air-cooled heat exchangers, also known as air coolers, air-cooled condensers or FinFans, for a wide variety of processes. Our products are primarily for larger applications in oil and gas, chemical and refining applications, although we reach into a number of industries. These are heavy-duty units designed for many years of operation in difficult environments. Click on a manufacturer below to learn more about their products, or contact us if you would like to learn more about each manufacturer's strengths and applicability for your application.

Worldwide Air Coolers
Worldwide Air Coolers, a division of Southern Heat Exchangers, has been building air cooled heat exchangers (ACHE) since 1995. We build to the highest standard. Our air-cooled heat exchangers are designed and manufactured to withstand the harshest operating and environmental conditions.